World Ocean Simulation System (WOSS) library
Implempentation of ACToolboxWoss for Bellhop raytracing program. More...
#include <bellhop-woss.h>
Public Member Functions | |
BellhopWoss () | |
BellhopWoss (const CoordZ &tx, const CoordZ &rx, const Time &start_t, const Time &end_t, double start_freq, double end_freq, double freq_step) | |
virtual bool | initialize () |
virtual bool | initPressResReader (double curr_frequency) |
virtual bool | initTimeArrResReader (double curr_frequency) |
virtual bool | run () |
virtual bool | timeEvolve (const Time &time_value) |
virtual bool | isValid () const |
virtual Pressure * | getAvgPressure (double frequency, double tx_depth, double start_rx_depth=WOSS_MIN_DEPTH, double start_rx_range=WOSS_MIN_RANGE, double end_rx_depth=WOSS_MAX_DEPTH, double end_rx_range=WOSS_MAX_RANGE) const |
virtual Pressure * | getPressure (double frequency, double tx_depth, double rx_depth, double rx_range) const |
virtual TimeArr * | getTimeArr (double frequency, double tx_depth, double rx_depth, double rx_range) const |
BellhopWoss & | setThorpeAttFlag (bool flag) |
BellhopWoss & | setTxMinDepthOffset (double offset) |
BellhopWoss & | setTxMaxDepthOffset (double offset) |
BellhopWoss & | setTotalTransmitters (int sources) |
BellhopWoss & | setRxMinDepthOffset (double offset) |
BellhopWoss & | setRxMaxDepthOffset (double offset) |
BellhopWoss & | setRxMinRangeOffset (double offset) |
BellhopWoss & | setRxMaxRangeOffset (double offset) |
BellhopWoss & | setRxTotalDepths (int number) |
BellhopWoss & | setRxTotalRanges (int number) |
BellhopWoss & | setRaysNumber (int number) |
BellhopWoss & | setMinAngle (double angle) |
BellhopWoss & | setMaxAngle (double angle) |
BellhopWoss & | setBoxDepth (double depth) |
BellhopWoss & | setBoxRange (double range) |
BellhopWoss & | setBellhopPath (const ::std::string &path) |
BellhopWoss & | setBellhopArrSyntax (BellhopArrSyntax syntax) |
BellhopWoss & | setBellhopShdSyntax (BellhopShdSyntax syntax) |
BellhopWoss & | setBeamOptions (const ::std::string &options) |
BellhopWoss & | setBhMode (const ::std::string &mode) |
BellhopWoss & | setBathymetryType (const ::std::string &type) |
BellhopWoss & | setBathymetryMethod (const ::std::string &type) |
BellhopWoss & | setAltimetryType (const ::std::string &type) |
BellhopWoss & | setTransducer (const Transducer *const ptr) |
BellhopWoss & | setTransformSSPDepthSteps (int depth_steps) |
BellhopWoss & | setBeamPatternParam (double init_bearing, double vert_rot=0.0, double horiz_rot=0.0, double mult=1.0, double add=0.0) |
bool | getThorpeAttFlag () const |
double | getTxMinDepthOffset () const |
double | getTxMaxDepthOffset () const |
int | getTotalTransmitters () const |
double | getRxMinDepthOffset () const |
double | getRxMaxDepthOffset () const |
double | getRxMinRangeOffset () const |
double | getRxMaxRangeOffset () const |
int | getRxTotalDepths () const |
int | getRxTotalRanges () const |
int | getRaysNumber () const |
double | getMinAngle () const |
double | getMaxAngle () const |
double | getBoxDepth () const |
double | getBoxRange () const |
int | getTransformSSPDepthSteps () const |
::std::string | getBellhopPath () const |
BellhopArrSyntax | getBellhopArrSyntax () const |
BellhopShdSyntax | getBellhopShdSyntax () const |
::std::string | getBeamOptions () const |
::std::string | getBathymetryType () const |
::std::string | getBathymetryMethod () const |
::std::string | getAltimetryType () const |
const Transducer *const | getTransducer () const |
bool | isValidBhMode (const ::std::string &) const |
bool | usingPressMode () const |
bool | usingTimeArrMode () const |
bool | usingSSPFile () const |
![]() | |
ACToolboxWoss () | |
ACToolboxWoss (const CoordZ &tx, const CoordZ &rx, const Time &start_t, const Time &end_t, double start_freq, double end_freq, double freq_step) | |
virtual | ~ACToolboxWoss () |
ACToolboxWoss & | setRangeSteps (int steps) |
ACToolboxWoss & | setSSPDepthPrecision (long double precision) |
int | getRangeSteps () const |
long double | getSSPDepthPrecision () const |
int | getMinSSPDepthSteps () const |
int | getMaxSSPDepthSteps () const |
double | getMinSSPDepth () const |
double | getMaxSSPDepth () const |
double | getMinBathymteryDepth () const |
double | getMaxBathymetryDepth () const |
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WossResReader () | |
WossResReader (const CoordZ &tx, const CoordZ &rx, const Time &start_t, const Time &end_t, double start_freq, double end_freq, double freq_step) | |
![]() | |
Woss () | |
Woss (const CoordZ &tx, const CoordZ &rx, const Time &start_t, const Time &end_t, double start_freq, double end_freq, double freq_step) | |
Woss & | setDebug (bool flag) |
Woss & | setCleanWorkDir (bool flag) |
Woss & | setWorkDirPath (const ::std::string &path) |
Woss & | setWossDbManager (const WossDbManager *const ptr) |
Woss & | insertFrequency (double freq) |
Woss & | insertFrequencies (double freq_start, double freq_end, double freq_step) |
Woss & | setFrequencies (const FreqSet &freq_set) |
Woss & | eraseFrequency (double freq) |
Woss & | clearFrequencies () |
Woss & | setTotalRuns (int runs) |
Woss & | setTxCoordZ (const CoordZ &coordz) |
Woss & | setRxCoordZ (const CoordZ &coordz) |
Woss & | setStartTime (const Time &start_t) |
Woss & | setEndTime (const Time &end_t) |
Woss & | setEvolutionTimeQuantum (double value) |
int | getWossId () const |
::std::string | getWorkDirPath () const |
const FreqSet & | getFrequencies () const |
double | getMinFrequency () const |
double | getMaxFrequency () const |
FreqSCIt | freq_begin () const |
FreqSCIt | freq_end () const |
FreqSCRIt | freq_rbegin () const |
FreqSCRIt | freq_rend () const |
FreqSCIt | freq_lower_bound (double frequency) const |
FreqSCIt | freq_upper_bound (double frequency) const |
int | getTotalRuns () const |
CoordZ | getTxCoordZ () const |
CoordZ | getRxCoordZ () const |
Time | getStartTime () const |
Time | getCurrentTime () const |
Time | getEndTime () const |
double | getEvolutionTimeQuantum () const |
double | getGreatCircleDistance () const |
double | getDistance () const |
double | getBearing () const |
bool | usingDebug () const |
virtual bool | isRunning () const |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | normalizeDbSSP () |
virtual void | resetNormalizedDbSSP () |
bool | initResReader (double curr_frequency) |
void | initBox (double depth, double range) |
void | initCfgFiles (double curr_frequency, int curr_run) |
void | writeCfgFiles (double curr_frequency, int curr_run) |
void | writeAllCfgFiles () |
void | writeNormalizedSSP (int curr_run) |
void | writeSediment () |
void | writeHeader (double curr_frequency, int curr_run) |
void | writeTransmitter () |
void | writeReceiver () |
void | writeRayOptions () |
void | writeBox () |
void | writeBeamBlock () |
void | writeBathymetryFile () |
void | writeBeamPatternFile () |
void | writeAltimetryFile (int curr_run) |
void | removeAllCfgFiles () |
void | removeCfgFiles (double curr_frequency, int curr_run) |
void | checkBoundaries (double &frequency, double &tx_depth, double &rx_start_depth, double &rx_start_range, double &rx_end_depth, double &rx_end_range) const |
void | checkDepthOffsets () |
void | checkDepthOffsets (const CoordZ &coords, double &min_offset, double &max_offset, double min_depth_value, double max_depth_value) |
void | checkAngles () |
void | checkRangeOffsets () |
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virtual bool | checkSSPUnicity (SSP *&ptr) |
virtual bool | checkSedimentUnicity (Sediment *&ptr) |
virtual bool | initRangeVector () |
virtual bool | initCoordZVector () |
virtual bool | initSedimentMap () |
virtual void | resetSedimentMap () |
virtual bool | initAltimetry () |
virtual bool | initSSPMap () |
virtual void | resetSSPMap () |
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void | clearResReaderMap () |
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virtual bool | mkWorkDir (double curr_frequency, int curr_run=0) |
virtual bool | rmWorkDir (double curr_frequency, int curr_run=0) |
virtual bool | rmWorkDir () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static pthread_spinlock_t | woss_mutex = woss::initWossSpinlock( &Woss::woss_mutex , 0 ) |
static int | woss_counter = 0 |
Implempentation of ACToolboxWoss for Bellhop raytracing program.
BellhopWoss class has the task to create enviromental file, run Bellhop and read its results.
BellhopWoss::BellhopWoss | ( | ) |
BellhopWoss default constructor. Default constructed objects are not valid
BellhopWoss::BellhopWoss | ( | const CoordZ & | tx, |
const CoordZ & | rx, | ||
const Time & | start_t, | ||
const Time & | end_t, | ||
double | start_freq, | ||
double | end_freq, | ||
double | freq_step | ||
) |
BellhopWoss constructor
tx | const reference to a valid CoordZ object ( transmitter ) |
rx | const reference to a valid CoordZ object ( receiver ) |
start_t | const reference to a valid Time object for SSP's averaging purposes ( start date time ) |
end_t | const reference to a valid Time object for SSP's averaging purposes ( end date time ) |
start_freq | start frequency [Hz] |
end_freq | end frequency [Hz] |
freq_step | frequency step [Hz] |
protected |
Checks the consistency of given launching angle and modifies them if needed
References woss::Woss::debug, max_angle, min_angle, woss::Woss::total_distance, woss::Woss::total_great_circle_distance, and woss::Woss::woss_id.
Referenced by initialize().
protected |
Checks parameters passed by a WossManager request and modifies them in place if they are not consistent with data
frequency | frequency [Hz] |
tx_depth | transmitter depth [m] |
rx_start_depth | receiver start depth [m] |
rx_start_range | receiver start range [m] |
rx_end_depth | receiver end depth [m] |
rx_end_range | receiver end range [m] |
References woss::Woss::frequencies, woss::CoordZ::getDepth(), woss::Woss::rx_coordz, rx_max_depth_offset, rx_max_range_offset, rx_min_depth_offset, rx_min_range_offset, woss::Woss::total_great_circle_distance, woss::Woss::tx_coordz, tx_max_depth_offset, and tx_min_depth_offset.
Referenced by getAvgPressure(), getPressure(), and getTimeArr().
protected |
Checks the consistency of tx and rx depth offsets and modifies them if needed
References checkDepthOffsets(), woss::ACToolboxWoss::coordz_vector, woss::ACToolboxWoss::max_bathymetry_depth, max_normalized_ssp_depth, min_normalized_ssp_depth, woss::Woss::rx_coordz, rx_max_depth_offset, rx_min_depth_offset, woss::Woss::tx_coordz, tx_max_depth_offset, and tx_min_depth_offset.
Referenced by checkDepthOffsets(), and initialize().
protected |
Checks the consistency of input offsets and modifies them if needed
coords | 3-D coordinates of the point to be tested |
min_offset | min offset to be tested [m] |
max_offset | max offset to be tested [m] |
min_depth_value | min depth value of point to be tested [m] |
max_depth_value | max depth value of point to be tested [m] |
References woss::Woss::debug, woss::CoordZ::getDepth(), woss::Coord::getLatitude(), woss::Coord::getLongitude(), and woss::Woss::woss_id.
protected |
Checks the consistency of rx range offsets and modifies them if needed
References woss::Woss::debug, woss::Coord::getLatitude(), woss::Coord::getLongitude(), woss::Woss::rx_coordz, rx_max_range_offset, rx_min_range_offset, woss::Woss::total_great_circle_distance, woss::Woss::tx_coordz, and woss::Woss::woss_id.
Referenced by initialize().
inline |
virtual |
Gets the average Pressure value in given rx range-depth box
frequency | frequency [Hz] |
tx_depth | transmitter depth [m] |
start_rx_depth | start receiver depth [m] |
start_rx_range | start receiver range [m] |
end_rx_depth | end receiver depth [m] |
end_rx_range | end receiver range [m] |
Implements woss::Woss.
References checkBoundaries(), woss::WossResReader::res_reader_map, and woss::Woss::total_runs.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Gets the .arr file sintax
References bellhop_arr_syntax.
Referenced by woss::ArrAscResReader::getArrAscFile(), woss::ArrAscResReader::getArrAscHeader(), woss::ArrBinResReader::getArrBinFile(), and woss::ArrBinResReader::getArrBinHeader().
inline |
inline |
Gets the .shd file sintax
References bellhop_shd_syntax.
Referenced by woss::ShdResReader::accessMap(), woss::ShdResReader::getShdFile(), woss::ShdResReader::getShdHeader(), and woss::ShdResReader::readMapAvgPressure().
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
virtual |
Gets a Pressure value of given range, depths
frequency | frequency [Hz] |
tx_depth | transmitter depth [m] |
rx_depth | receiver depth [m] |
rx_range | receiver range [m] |
Implements woss::Woss.
References checkBoundaries(), woss::WossResReader::res_reader_map, and woss::Woss::total_runs.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Gets the total number of receiver depths
References total_rx_depths.
inline |
Gets the total number of receiver ranges
References total_rx_ranges.
inline |
virtual |
Gets a TimeArr value of given range, depths
frequency | frequency [Hz] |
tx_depth | transmitter depth [m] |
rx_depth | receiver depth [m] |
rx_range | receiver range [m] |
Implements woss::Woss.
References checkBoundaries(), woss::Woss::debug, woss::WossResReader::res_reader_map, woss::Woss::total_runs, and woss::Woss::woss_id.
inline |
inline |
inline |
Returns the depth steps (and possibly transform) of all SSP in use
References transform_ssp_depth_steps.
inline |
Gets the transmitter maximum depth offset [m]
References tx_max_depth_offset.
inline |
Gets the transmitter mimimum depth offset [m]
References tx_min_depth_offset.
inlineprotected |
Initializes the Bellhop box
depth | box depth [m] |
range | box range [m] |
References box_depth, and box_range.
Referenced by initialize().
protected |
Initializes the configuration file(s)
curr_frequency | frequency in use [Hz] |
curr_run | current run number |
References altimetry_file, arr_file, bathymetry_file, beam_pattern_file, bellhop_env_file, curr_path, woss::Woss::current_time, shd_file, ssp_file, woss::Woss::work_dir_path, and woss::Woss::woss_id.
Referenced by run(), and writeCfgFiles().
virtual |
Gets enviromental data and writes the env file
Reimplemented from woss::ACToolboxWoss.
References checkAngles(), checkDepthOffsets(), checkRangeOffsets(), initBox(), woss::ACToolboxWoss::initialize(), isValid(), woss::ACToolboxWoss::max_bathymetry_depth, max_normalized_ssp_depth, normalizeDbSSP(), resetNormalizedDbSSP(), rx_max_range_offset, woss::Woss::total_distance, woss::Woss::total_great_circle_distance, and writeAllCfgFiles().
Referenced by initResReader(), and timeEvolve().
virtual |
Initializes the ShdResReader object for given frequency
curr_frequency | frequency in use [Hz] |
References woss::WossResReader::res_reader_map, woss::ResReader::setFileName(), and shd_file.
Referenced by initResReader().
protectedvirtual |
Initializes the ResReader object for given frequency
curr_frequency | frequency in use [Hz] |
Implements woss::WossResReader.
References initialize(), initPressResReader(), initTimeArrResReader(), and woss::WossResReader::res_reader_map.
Referenced by run().
virtual |
Initializes the ArrAscResReader or ArrBinResReader object for given frequency
curr_frequency | frequency in use [Hz] |
References arr_file, bellhop_op_mode, woss::WossResReader::res_reader_map, and woss::ResReader::setFileName().
Referenced by initResReader().
virtual |
Checks the validity of Woss
Reimplemented from woss::ACToolboxWoss.
References bellhop_op_mode, woss::ACToolboxWoss::isValid(), isValidBhMode(), max_angle, min_angle, woss::ACToolboxWoss::total_range_steps, total_rays, total_rx_depths, total_rx_ranges, and total_transmitters.
Referenced by initialize().
inline |
Checks the validity of Bellhop run mode
Referenced by isValid(), and setBhMode().
protectedvirtual |
Normalizes the SSP matrix for Bellhop requirements (same depths and same depth-steps for all SSP involved)
References curr_norm_ssp_depth_steps, woss::Woss::debug, woss::ACToolboxWoss::is_ssp_map_transformable, woss::ACToolboxWoss::max_bathymetry_depth, max_normalized_ssp_depth, woss::ACToolboxWoss::max_ssp_depth_set, woss::ACToolboxWoss::max_ssp_depth_steps, woss::ACToolboxWoss::min_altimetry_depth, min_normalized_ssp_depth, woss::ACToolboxWoss::min_ssp_depth_set, woss::ACToolboxWoss::min_ssp_depth_steps, normalized_ssp_map, woss::ACToolboxWoss::range_vector, woss::ACToolboxWoss::ssp_map, transform_ssp_depth_steps, and woss::Woss::tx_coordz.
Referenced by initialize(), and writeCfgFiles().
protected |
Writes all configuration files
References woss::Woss::frequencies, removeCfgFiles(), and woss::Woss::total_runs.
protected |
Removes the configuration file(s)
curr_frequency | frequency in use [Hz] |
curr_run | current run number |
References woss::Woss::rmWorkDir().
Referenced by removeAllCfgFiles().
protectedvirtual |
Deletes all normalized SSPs
References normalized_ssp_map.
Referenced by initialize(), and writeCfgFiles().
virtual |
Runs the channel simulator. It is mandatory to set has_run to true before returning from this function
Implements woss::Woss.
References bellhop_arr_syntax, woss::BELLHOP_CREATOR_ARR_FILE_INVALID, woss::BELLHOP_CREATOR_SHD_FILE_INVALID, bellhop_path, bellhop_shd_syntax, curr_path, woss::Woss::debug, woss::Woss::frequencies, initCfgFiles(), initResReader(), woss::Woss::is_running, woss::Woss::total_runs, and woss::Woss::woss_id.
inline |
Sets the altimetry type ( L, C). See Bellhop documentation for more info
type | beam options |
References altimetry_type.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the bathymetry write method (S, D)
type | beam options |
References bathymetry_method.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the bathymetry type ( L, C). See Bellhop documentation for more info
type | beam options |
References bathymetry_type.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the beam option string . See Bellhop documentation for more info
options | beam options ( G, C, R , B) |
References beam_options.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the transmitter beam pattern
type | valid woss::BeamPattern |
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the bellhop arr file syntax
syntax | syntax to be used |
References bellhop_arr_syntax.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the path of bellhop program
path | filesystem path |
References bellhop_path.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the bellhop shd file syntax
syntax | syntax to be used |
References bellhop_shd_syntax.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
BellhopWoss & BellhopWoss::setBhMode | ( | const ::std::string & | mode | ) |
Sets the Bellhop run mode string. See Bellhop documentation for more info
mode | Bellhop run mode ( A, a , C, I , S) |
References bellhop_op_mode, isValidBhMode(), and woss::Woss::woss_id.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the maximum depth for Bellhop rays
depth | maximum ray depth [m] |
References box_depth.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the maximum range for Bellhop rays
range | maximum ray range [m] |
References box_range.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the maximum launch angle for all BellhopWoss that will be created
angle | number of launched rays (>= 0) |
References max_angle.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the mimimum launch angle for all BellhopWoss that will be created
angle | number of launched rays (>= 0) |
References min_angle.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the number of launched rays
number | number of launched rays (>= 0) |
References total_rays.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the receiver maximum depth offset [m]
offset | 0 <= depth offset <= 0 [m] |
References rx_max_depth_offset.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the receiver maximum depth offset [m]
offset | -total_distance <= range offset <= total_distance [m] |
References rx_max_range_offset.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the receiver mimimum depth offset [m]
offset | 0 <= depth offset <= 0 [m] |
References rx_min_depth_offset.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the receiver mimimum range offset [m]
offset | -total_distance <= range offset <= total_distance [m] |
References rx_min_range_offset.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the number of receiver depths
number | number of receiver depths |
References total_rx_depths.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the number of receiver ranges
number | number of receiver ranges |
References total_rx_ranges.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the thorpe attenuation flag
flag | boolean flag |
References use_thorpe_att.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the number of transmitters
sources | number of transmitters |
References total_transmitters.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the transducer type. See TransducerDbCreator for more info
type | tranducer type |
References transducer.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the depth steps (and possibly transform) of all SSP in use
type | beam options |
References transform_ssp_depth_steps.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the transmitter maximum depth offset [m]
offset | 0 <= depth offset <= 0 [m] |
References tx_max_depth_offset.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
inline |
Sets the transmitter mimimum depth offset [m]
offset | 0 <= depth offset <= 0 [m] |
References tx_min_depth_offset.
Referenced by woss::BellhopCreator::initializeBhWoss().
virtual |
Performs a time evoulion of all time-dependant parameters
time_value | constant reference to a valid Time object (between start_time and end_time) |
Implements woss::Woss.
References woss::ACToolboxWoss::altimetry_value, woss::Woss::current_time, woss::Woss::debug, woss::Woss::end_time, woss::Woss::evolution_time_quantum, initialize(), woss::Altimetry::isValid(), woss::Time::isValid(), woss::Woss::start_time, woss::Altimetry::timeEvolve(), and woss::Woss::woss_id.
inline |
Signals if the instance is using Bellhop in SHD mode ( C, S , I)
inline |
Signals if the instance is using Bellhop with SSP matrix file
inline |
Signals if the instance is using Bellhop in ARR mode ( A, a)
protected |
Writes all configuration files
References woss::Woss::frequencies, woss::Woss::total_runs, and writeCfgFiles().
Referenced by initialize().
protected |
Writes db created altimetry in the configuration file(s)
curr_run | current run number |
References altimetry_file, altimetry_type, woss::ACToolboxWoss::altimetry_value, woss::Altimetry::begin(), woss::Woss::debug, woss::Altimetry::end(), woss::Altimetry::getMaxAltimetryValue(), woss::Altimetry::getMinAltimetryValue(), woss::ACToolboxWoss::max_altimetry_depth, woss::ACToolboxWoss::min_altimetry_depth, woss::Altimetry::randomize(), woss::ACToolboxWoss::range_vector, woss::Altimetry::size(), and woss::Woss::woss_id.
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
protected |
Writes db created bathymetry in the configuration file(s)
References bathymetry_file, bathymetry_method, bathymetry_type, woss::ACToolboxWoss::coordz_vector, woss::Woss::debug, max_normalized_ssp_depth, woss::ACToolboxWoss::range_vector, woss::ACToolboxWoss::sediment_map, and woss::Woss::woss_id.
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
protected |
Writes transmitter beam pattern file(s)
References beam_pattern_file, woss::Woss::rx_coordz, transducer, woss::Woss::tx_coordz, and woss::Transducer::writeVertBeamPattern().
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
inlineprotected |
Writes the box options in the configuration file(s)
References box_depth, box_range, and f_out.
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
protected |
Writes the configuration file(s)
curr_frequency | frequency in use [Hz] |
curr_run | current run number |
References woss::ACToolboxWoss::altimetry_value, bellhop_env_file, f_out, initCfgFiles(), woss::Altimetry::isValid(), woss::Transducer::isValid(), woss::Woss::mkWorkDir(), normalizeDbSSP(), resetNormalizedDbSSP(), transducer, writeAltimetryFile(), writeBathymetryFile(), writeBeamPatternFile(), writeBox(), writeHeader(), writeNormalizedSSP(), writeRayOptions(), writeReceiver(), writeSediment(), and writeTransmitter().
Referenced by writeAllCfgFiles().
inlineprotected |
Writes the header in the configuration file(s)
curr_frequency | frequency in use [Hz] |
curr_run | current run number |
References f_out, and woss::Woss::woss_id.
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
protected |
Writes the normalized SSP matrix in the configuration file(s)
curr_run | current run number |
References woss::ACToolboxWoss::altimetry_value, woss::SSP::begin(), box_range, woss::SSP::clear(), curr_norm_ssp_depth_steps, woss::SSP::end(), f_out, woss::Altimetry::isValid(), max_normalized_ssp_depth, min_normalized_ssp_depth, normalized_ssp_map, woss::SSP::randomize(), randomized_ssp_map, ssp_file, and use_thorpe_att.
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
inlineprotected |
Writes the ray options in the configuration file(s)
References beam_options, bellhop_op_mode, f_out, woss::Transducer::isValid(), max_angle, min_angle, total_rays, and transducer.
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
inlineprotected |
Writes the receiver info in the configuration file(s)
References f_out, woss::CoordZ::getDepth(), woss::Woss::rx_coordz, rx_max_depth_offset, rx_max_range_offset, rx_min_depth_offset, rx_min_range_offset, woss::Woss::total_great_circle_distance, total_rx_depths, and total_rx_ranges.
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
inlineprotected |
Writes the db Sediment in the configuration file(s)
References f_out, max_normalized_ssp_depth, and woss::ACToolboxWoss::sediment_map.
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
inlineprotected |
Writes the transmitter info in the configuration file(s)
References f_out, woss::CoordZ::getDepth(), total_transmitters, woss::Woss::tx_coordz, tx_max_depth_offset, and tx_min_depth_offset.
Referenced by writeCfgFiles().
protected |
Pathname of Bellhop altimetry file
Referenced by initCfgFiles(), and writeAltimetryFile().
protected |
Altimetry type ( L, C )
Referenced by getAltimetryType(), setAltimetryType(), and writeAltimetryFile().
protected |
Pathname of Bellhop ARR file
Referenced by initCfgFiles(), and initTimeArrResReader().
protected |
Pathname of Bellhop bathymetry file
Referenced by initCfgFiles(), and writeBathymetryFile().
protected |
Bathymetry write method ( S, D )
Referenced by getBathymetryMethod(), setBathymetryMethod(), and writeBathymetryFile().
protected |
Bathymetry type ( L, C )
Referenced by getBathymetryType(), setBathymetryType(), and writeBathymetryFile().
protected |
Bellhop beam options ( G, C, R, B )
Referenced by getBeamOptions(), setBeamOptions(), and writeRayOptions().
protected |
Pathname of Bellhop beam pattern file
Referenced by initCfgFiles(), and writeBeamPatternFile().
protected |
.arr file syntax to be used during file parsing
Referenced by getBellhopArrSyntax(), run(), and setBellhopArrSyntax().
protected |
Pathname of Bellhop configuration file
Referenced by initCfgFiles(), and writeCfgFiles().
protected |
Bellhop run mode ( A, a, C, I, S )
Referenced by initTimeArrResReader(), isValid(), setBhMode(), and writeRayOptions().
protected |
Pathname of Bellhop program
Referenced by getBellhopPath(), run(), and setBellhopPath().
protected |
.shd file syntax to be used during file parsing
Referenced by getBellhopShdSyntax(), run(), and setBellhopShdSyntax().
protected |
Bellhop box depth [m]
Referenced by getBoxDepth(), initBox(), setBoxDepth(), and writeBox().
protected |
Bellhop box range [m]
Referenced by getBoxRange(), initBox(), setBoxRange(), writeBox(), and writeNormalizedSSP().
protected |
Depth steps of all SSP involved
Referenced by normalizeDbSSP(), and writeNormalizedSSP().
protected |
Current working path
Referenced by initCfgFiles(), and run().
protected |
ofstream for file writing
Referenced by writeBox(), writeCfgFiles(), writeHeader(), writeNormalizedSSP(), writeRayOptions(), writeReceiver(), writeSediment(), and writeTransmitter().
protected |
Maximum launching angle [decimal degrees]
Referenced by checkAngles(), getMaxAngle(), isValid(), setMaxAngle(), and writeRayOptions().
protected |
Maximum depth of normalized SSP matrix [m]
Referenced by checkDepthOffsets(), initialize(), normalizeDbSSP(), writeBathymetryFile(), writeNormalizedSSP(), and writeSediment().
protected |
Minimum launching angle [decimal degrees]
Referenced by checkAngles(), getMinAngle(), isValid(), setMinAngle(), and writeRayOptions().
protected |
Minimum depth of normalized SSP matrix [m]
Referenced by checkDepthOffsets(), normalizeDbSSP(), and writeNormalizedSSP().
protected |
SSP matrix normalized for Bellhop requirements (same depths and same depth-steps for all SSP involved)
Referenced by normalizeDbSSP(), resetNormalizedDbSSP(), and writeNormalizedSSP().
protected |
SSP matrix normalized and randomized for Bellhop requirements (same depths and same depth-steps for all SSP involved)
Referenced by writeNormalizedSSP().
protected |
Receiver maximum depth offset [m]
Referenced by checkBoundaries(), checkDepthOffsets(), getRxMaxDepthOffset(), setRxMaxDepthOffset(), and writeReceiver().
protected |
Receiver maximum range offset [m]
Referenced by checkBoundaries(), checkRangeOffsets(), getRxMaxRangeOffset(), initialize(), setRxMaxRangeOffset(), and writeReceiver().
protected |
Receiver minimum depth offset [m]
Referenced by checkBoundaries(), checkDepthOffsets(), getRxMinDepthOffset(), setRxMinDepthOffset(), and writeReceiver().
protected |
Receiver minimum range offset [m]
Referenced by checkBoundaries(), checkRangeOffsets(), getRxMinRangeOffset(), setRxMinRangeOffset(), and writeReceiver().
protected |
Pathname of Bellhop SHD file
Referenced by initCfgFiles(), and initPressResReader().
protected |
Pathname of Bellhop SSP file
Referenced by initCfgFiles(), and writeNormalizedSSP().
protected |
Number of launched rays
Referenced by getRaysNumber(), isValid(), setRaysNumber(), and writeRayOptions().
protected |
Number of receiver depths
Referenced by getRxTotalDepths(), isValid(), setRxTotalDepths(), and writeReceiver().
protected |
Number of receiver ranges.
On some configuration (linux distribution / cpu ) bellhop will output an empty file with a value of total_rx_ranges = 1.
Referenced by getRxTotalRanges(), isValid(), setRxTotalRanges(), and writeReceiver().
protected |
Number of transmitter
Referenced by getTotalTransmitters(), isValid(), setTotalTransmitters(), and writeTransmitter().
protected |
Transmitter beam pattern
Referenced by getTransducer(), setTransducer(), writeBeamPatternFile(), writeCfgFiles(), and writeRayOptions().
protected |
transformed SSP depth steps. Set <= 0 in order to disable the feature.
Referenced by getTransformSSPDepthSteps(), normalizeDbSSP(), and setTransformSSPDepthSteps().
protected |
Transmitter maximum depth offset [m]
Referenced by checkBoundaries(), checkDepthOffsets(), getTxMaxDepthOffset(), setTxMaxDepthOffset(), and writeTransmitter().
protected |
Transmitter minimum depth offset [m]
Referenced by checkBoundaries(), checkDepthOffsets(), getTxMinDepthOffset(), setTxMinDepthOffset(), and writeTransmitter().
protected |
let bellhop calculate thorpe attenuation
Referenced by getThorpeAttFlag(), setThorpeAttFlag(), and writeNormalizedSSP().