World Ocean Simulation System (WOSS) library
Federico Guerra and SIGNET lab do not endorse or recommend the use of any of the transducer listed below.
The copyright and property of of each transducer design is retained by the respective owners. The specifications of each transducer have been inferred from the transducer data sheets courtesy of the respective owners.
The list below is to be taken as a best-effort list, meaning that data has been taken from publicly avalaible documents, at the programmer's discretion.
This list is NOT final and will undergo continuous changes, aimed at providing support for an increasing number of transducers in WOSS.
If you would like any specific, not currently supported transducer to be included in WOSS, please feel free to contribute by sending transducer data (in the format mentioned below) to nsmir.nosp@m.acle.nosp@m.-user.nosp@m.s@de.nosp@m.i.uni.nosp@m.pd.i.nosp@m.t.
WOSS accurately simulates power consumption, Sound Pressure Level (SPL) output, and vertical beam pattern of real acoustic transducers.
Transducers can be imported into simulation, and their beam pattern can be rotated or modified with a additive and a multiplicative constant to better suit the user needs.
Furthermore, woss::Location, WossPosition and WossWpPosition support simulation of dynamic orientation of the associated transducer to better simulate how AUV movements impact on transmission.
Finally UwMPhyBpskTransducer and WossMPhyBpsk now supports array of transducers to permit spectral optimizations with realistic power computations and ray attenuation.
The format of transducer .txt or .dat file can be changed by the user (extending the woss::Transducer class) and is the followings (format
in bold, comments are inline and in italics):
transducer's type name
25000.0 10000.0
resonance frequency, -3dB bandwith around the resonance frequency
338 0.1
max input power [W], duty cycle in (0,1]
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
TVR precision [hz], OCV precision [hz], conductance precision [hz], beam pattern precision [dec degrees]
total number of TVR values
10000.0 120
frequency [hz], TVR [dB re uPa/V @ 1m]
23000.0 140
25000.0 140
38000.0 136
50000.0 135
total number of OCV values
10000.0 -197
frequency [hz], OCV [dB re V/uPa]
20000.0 -190
23000.0 -190
50000.0 -212
total number of conductance values
10000.0 10
frequency [hz], conductance [uS]
13000.0 180
23000.0 940
30000.0 410
40000.0 390
50000.0 590
total number of angles in the vertical/horiz beam pattern
-180 0
angle between [-180, 180] in decimal degrees, [dB]
-150 -1
if the transducer has conical or != toroidal symmetry
-120 -5
the rotation axis has to lie on angle = 0 axis
-105 -14
-75 -14
-60 -5
-30 -1
0 0
30 -2
60 -4
90 -5
120 -4
150 -2
180 0
These are the currently available transducers in WOSS (in alphabetical order).
NOTE: vertical beam patterns inferred from datasheets generic description. All Neptune transducers report only one value of conductance, SPL calculations could be inaccurate