Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- salinity_begin() : woss::SSP
- salinity_end() : woss::SSP
- salinity_find() : woss::SSP
- salinity_lower_bound() : woss::SSP
- salinity_rbegin() : woss::SSP
- salinity_rend() : woss::SSP
- salinity_upper_bound() : woss::SSP
- SedimDeck41CoordDb() : woss::SedimDeck41CoordDb
- SedimDeck41Db() : woss::SedimDeck41Db
- SedimDeck41DbCreator() : woss::SedimDeck41DbCreator
- SedimDeck41MarsdenDb() : woss::SedimDeck41MarsdenDb
- SedimDeck41MarsdenOneDb() : woss::SedimDeck41MarsdenOneDb
- Sediment() : woss::Sediment
- set() : woss::Sediment
- setAltimetryType() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setAngles() : woss::BellhopCreator
- setAttenuationC() : woss::Sediment
- setAttenuationS() : woss::Sediment
- setAveragePeriod() : woss::AltimBretschneider
- setBathymetryDb() : woss::WossDbManager
- setBathymetryMethod() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setBathymetryType() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setBeamOptions() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setBeamPatternParam() : woss::BellhopWoss
- setBeamPrecision() : woss::Transducer
- setBellhopArrSyntax() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setBellhopPath() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setBellhopShdSyntax() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setBhMode() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setBoxDepth() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setBoxRange() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setCharacteristicHeight() : woss::AltimBretschneider
- setCleanWorkDir() : woss::Woss, woss::WossCreator
- setConcurrentThreads() : woss::WossManagerResDbMT
- setConductancePrecision() : woss::Transducer
- setCSVSeparator() : woss::BathyUtmCsvDb, woss::BathyUtmCsvDbCreator
- setCustomAltimetry() : woss::WossDbManager
- setCustomBathymetry() : woss::WossDbManager
- setCustomSediment() : woss::WossDbManager
- setCustomSSP() : woss::WossDbManager
- setCustomTransducer() : woss::BellhopCreator
- setDay() : woss::Time
- setDbName() : woss::WossDb
- setDbRangeEasting() : woss::BathyUtmCsvDb, woss::BathyUtmCsvDbCreator
- setDbRangeNorthing() : woss::BathyUtmCsvDb, woss::BathyUtmCsvDbCreator
- setDbSpacing() : woss::BathyUtmCsvDb, woss::BathyUtmCsvDbCreator
- setDbTotalValues() : woss::BathyUtmCsvDb, woss::BathyUtmCsvDbCreator
- setDebug() : woss::Altimetry, woss::CustomDataContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data, OutComp, MidComp, InComp >, woss::CustomDataTimeContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data, OutComp, MidComp, InComp >, woss::CustomDataTimeContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data *, OutComp, MidComp, InComp >, woss::PDouble, woss::Pressure, woss::Sediment, woss::SSP, woss::Time, woss::TimeArr, woss::Transducer, woss::TransducerHandler, woss::Woss, woss::WossCreator, woss::WossCreatorContainer< Data >, woss::WossDb
- setDeck41DbType() : woss::SedimDeck41CoordDb, woss::SedimDeck41MarsdenDb, woss::SedimDeck41MarsdenOneDb
- setDelayPrecision() : woss::TimeArr
- setDensity() : woss::Sediment
- setDepth() : woss::Altimetry, woss::CoordZ, woss::Location, woss::Sediment, WossPosition
- setDepthPrecision() : woss::SSP
- setEndTime() : woss::Woss
- setEvolutionTimeQuantum() : woss::Altimetry, woss::Woss, woss::WossCreator
- setFileName() : woss::ResReader
- setFrequencies() : woss::Woss
- setFrequencyStep() : woss::WossCreator
- setGebcoBathyType() : woss::BathyGebcoDbCreator
- setGebcoType() : woss::BathyGebcoDb
- setHorizontalOrientation() : woss::Location
- setHours() : woss::Time
- setLandApproximationFlag() : woss::BathyUtmCsvDb, woss::BathyUtmCsvDbCreator
- setLatitude() : woss::Coord, woss::Location, WossPosition
- setLocation() : woss::Location
- setLongitude() : woss::Coord, woss::Location, WossPosition
- setMaxAngle() : woss::BellhopWoss
- setMinAngle() : woss::BellhopWoss
- setMinutes() : woss::Time
- setMonth() : woss::Time
- setOCVPrecision() : woss::Transducer
- setPrecision() : woss::PDouble
- setRange() : woss::Altimetry
- setRangeSteps() : woss::ACToolboxWoss
- setRaysNumber() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setResPressureDb() : woss::WossDbManager
- setResTimeArrDb() : woss::WossDbManager
- setRxCoordZ() : woss::Woss
- setRxMaxDepthOffset() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setRxMaxRangeOffset() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setRxMinDepthOffset() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setRxMinRangeOffset() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setRxTotalDepths() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setRxTotalRanges() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setSeconds() : woss::Time
- setSedimentDb() : woss::WossDbManager
- setSeed() : woss::RandomGenerator
- setSimTime() : woss::WossCreator
- setSpaceSampling() : woss::WossManagerSimple< WMResDb >
- setSSPDb() : woss::WossDbManager
- setSSPDepthPrecision() : woss::ACToolboxWoss
- setSspDepthPrecision() : woss::BellhopCreator
- setSspDepthSteps() : woss::BellhopCreator
- setSSPEqType() : woss::SSP
- setStartTime() : woss::Woss
- setThorpeAttFlag() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setTotalRangeSteps() : woss::Altimetry, woss::BellhopCreator
- setTotalRuns() : woss::Woss, woss::WossCreator
- setTotalTransmitters() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setTransducer() : woss::BellhopWoss
- setTransducerHandler() : woss::WossCreator
- setTransformSSPDepthSteps() : woss::BellhopWoss
- setTVRPrecision() : woss::Transducer
- setTxCoordZ() : woss::Woss
- setTxMaxDepthOffset() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setTxMinDepthOffset() : woss::BellhopCreator, woss::BellhopWoss
- setType() : woss::Sediment
- setVelocityC() : woss::Sediment
- setVelocityS() : woss::Sediment
- setVerticalOrientation() : woss::Location
- setWoaDbType() : woss::SspWoa2005DbCreator
- setWorkDirPath() : woss::Woss
- setWossCreator() : woss::WossManager
- setWossDbManager() : woss::Woss, woss::WossCreator, woss::WossManagerResDb
- setWossDebug() : woss::WossCreator
- setWossPtr() : woss::ResReader
- setWrkDirPath() : woss::WossCreator
- setYear() : woss::Time
- ShdResReader() : woss::ShdResReader
- Singleton() : woss::Singleton< T >
- size() : woss::Altimetry, woss::CustomDataContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data, OutComp, MidComp, InComp >, woss::CustomDataTimeContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data, OutComp, MidComp, InComp >, woss::CustomDataTimeContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data *, OutComp, MidComp, InComp >, woss::SSP, woss::TimeArr, woss::TransducerHandler, woss::WossCreatorContainer< Data >
- sqrt() : woss::Pressure
- SSP() : woss::SSP
- SspWoa2005Db() : woss::SspWoa2005Db
- SspWoa2005DbCreator() : woss::SspWoa2005DbCreator
- sumValue() : woss::Altimetry, woss::TimeArr