WOSS changelog:
PLEASE NOTE: WOSS is in its development stage, API changes will be limited at minimum, but this cannot be guaranteed.
woss::RandomGenerator : bug fixed
woss::WossManagerResDbMT : some bugs fixed in thread allocation
woss::ACToolboxWoss : bug fixed
woss::ResTimeArrBinDb, woss::ResTimeArrBinDbCreator, woss::ResPressureBinDb, woss::ResPressureBinDbCreator : classes for storing computed results in a binary file
ChannelEstimator, ChannelEstimatorPlugin : now works with MAC address instead of IP address to permit power control at MAC level. This now requires that only the MLL ARP table has to be filled instead of routing tables and ARP tables. Space sampling capability added
woss::Transducer : transducer definitions added
woss::TransducerHandler : transducer handler definitions added
woss::BellhopWoss : addded beam pattern capabilities
woss::BellhopCreator : added custom beam pattern capabilities
woss::Location : default comparison_distance value changed, added support for dinamic vertical beam pattern orientation
WossPosition, WossWpPosition : added support for dynamic vertical beam pattern orientation
UnderwaterMPhyBpsk : some tcl variables RENAMED
- See also
- UnderwaterMPhyBpsk, tcl samples
UwMPhyBpskTransducer, WossMPhyBpsk : added support for woss::Transducer, to properly simulate SPL and energy consumption
added beam pattern description of BTech, ITC, ITT, RESON transducers
- See also
- beam_pattern_page
test_aloha_no_dbs.tcl, test_aloha_with_dbs.tcl : now channel estimation process properly works
new tcl sample added
- See also
- samples subdirectory
doxygen basic samples page removed, all the comments are inline within the tcl files
NOTE: from version 1.2.0, the standard configuration of MIRACLE's MIV interface retrieves multiple arrivals from WOSS and computes interference using a Gaussian model or, equivalently, by summing all taps related to the interferers the same way as in Bellhop's "incoherent mode". In addition, if the interference level varies throughout the duration of a packet, the typically different error rates that result are separately accounted for in the computation of the overall packet error rate. This is the default version now.
This change has been applied as part of the work for the CLAM project, funded by the European Commission, G.A. 258359.
Credits to Roberto Petroccia, University of Rome, for helping with the implementation.
WossChannelModule : channel_eq_time_, channel_eq_snr_threshold_db_ and channel_symbol_time_ introduced, channel_time_resolution_ removed
the channel now coherently sums all taps at channel_symbol_resolution_
the attenuation threshold in db is calculated from channel_eq_snr_threshold_db_
the first tap that has txloss less or equal than the attenuation threshold is found. If the threshold is less than 0 then the threshold is set to 0, and the first tap is taken.
then all taps after the above tap + channel_equalization_time_ are incoherently summed if channel_eq_time_ == 0 no eq is done. if channel_eq_time_ < 0 then all taps are incoherently summed
all taps after channel_eq_time_ are not processed
- See also
- WossChannelModule, tcl samples
Altimetry modeling has been introduced:
time evolution support has been added for the whole framework.
TCL dependancies have been moved to WossPhy library, leaving main library libWoss free of any unwanted dependancy
UwmStd library has been moved into NS-Miracle for a better compatibility with DESERT framework
Minor bug fixes
compilation warnings removal
Minor bug fixes
warnings system revised.
tcl warnings removed
bug fixes (thanks to Raúl Sáez Cañete)
minor bug fixes
license changed to GPLv2
minor bug fixes
syntax now compliant with C++11 standard
memory leak fixed (thanks to Raúl Sáez Cañete)
new bathymetry write mode introduced (thanks to Randall Plate)
new attenuation complex tap calculation introduced:
travel time phase is now properly used
a bellhop arr file syntax option has been introduced, in order to make WOSS work with both acoustic tool box >= 16 Aug 2016 and previous versions.
BE ADVISED THAT factory value is using the latest syntax (i.e. acoustic toolbox >= 16 Aug 2016)
bug fix in volumetrical attenuation computations
new APIs introduced
bug fix in box_depth and box_range for ns2 tcl hooks
Added support for NetCDF4 and HDF5, which is required in order to open_ the latest GEBCO 2019 database.
A new bellhop arr file syntax option has been introduced, in order to be aligned with Acoustic Toolbox >= 31 March 2019.
BE ADVISED THAT factory value is using the latest syntax (i.e. acoustic toolbox >= 31 March 2019)
Credits to Randall Plate for helping with the implementation.
WossDb GEBCO has been refactored in order to support 2D netcdf format.
Bug fixes and improvements in woss::ACToolboxWoss and woss::BellhopWoss
Added support for SSP NetCDF4 databases generated from WOA2013 dataset.
Fix for Bellhop quad SSP scenario.
Added support for SSP NetCDF4 databases generated from WOA2018 and WOA2001 dataset.
Fix for woss::BellhopWoss ray angles env file write operation.
Added support for Bellhop latest shade file reader syntax.
Added support for DECK41V2 databases in NetCDF4 format with revised data format.
Added support for GEBCO 2020 database.
Added support for autotools tests, installation procedure has been updated.
Fix for woss::BellhopWoss SSP max depth.
Fixed issue with SSP::truncate c+11 syntax
New geographical to cartesian conversion model, based on spherical, GRS80 and WGS84 models
Added support for GEBCO 2022
Fixed TCL samples
Refactor of function member's static variables in order to guarantee re-entrancy
Fixed bug with WossDbManager
Added TCL debug capabilities to Altimetry classes
Refactored usage of streams' precision throughout the whole framework
minor fixes to ns-Miracle classes
fixed gcc-13 warnings
TCL examples updated to GEBCO 2023
removed warning in woss::BellhopWoss
changed URL of main WOSS website
Added support for SSP NetCDF4 databases generated from WOA2023 dataset
added bellhop autotools test unit
improved the WossTest framework
woss::ResReader fixed importing of bellhop's SPL and arrivals from binary mode
woss::WossDbManager - added support for importing bathymetry, SSP and sediment from a string
woss::WossManager - added API to erase all WOSS instances
Added support for Bellhop "LL" bathymetry, i.e with multiple geoacoustic parameters
refactored woss::WossManager
improved tests and examples