World Ocean Simulation System (WOSS) library
woss Directory Reference




 Provides the implementation of woss::ArrAscResReader and woss::ArrData classes.
 Provides the interface for woss::ArrAscResReader and woss::ArrData classes.
 Provides the implementation of woss::ArrBinResReader class.
 Provides the interface for woss::ArrBinResReader class.
 Provides the implementation of woss::ShdResReader and woss::ShdData classes.
 Provides the interface for woss::ShdResReader and woss::ShdData classes.
 Provides the implementation of woss::ACToolboxWoss class.
 Provides the interface for woss::ACToolboxWoss class.
 Provides the implementation of woss::BellhopCreator class.
 Provides the interface for woss::BellhopCreator class.
 Provides the implementation of woss::BellhopWoss class.
 Provides the interface for woss::BellhopWoss class.
 Provides the implementation of woss::ResReader class.
 Provides the interface for woss::ResReader class.
 Provides the implementation for woss::WossController class.
 Provides the interface for woss::WossController class.
 Provides the implementation of WossCreator< CustomTransducer> class.
 Provides the interface for woss::WossCreatorContainer class.
 Provides the implementation of woss::WossCreator class.
 Provides the interface for woss::WossCreator class.
 Provides the interface for woss::WossManagerSimple class.
 Provides the implementation of woss::WossManager, woss::WossManagerResDb and woss::WossManagerResDbMT classes.
 Provides the interface for woss::WossManager, woss::WossManagerResDb and woss::WossManagerResDbMT classes.
 Provides the implementation of woss::Woss and woss::WossResReader class.
 Provides the interface for woss::Woss and woss::WossResReader classes.