►Cwoss::Altimetry | Altimetry profile class |
Cwoss::AltimBretschneider | AltimBretschneider supports Bretschneider wave model |
Cwoss::ArrData | Class for storing data of any acoustic toolbox ARR file |
Cwoss::WossDbManager::BearingOperator | Bearing operator function object |
Cwoss::CoordZ::CartCoords | Class that represents cartesian coordinates |
►CCbrModule | |
CWossCbrModule | |
►CChannelModule | |
CWossChannelModule | WossChannelModule class for channel calculations with WOSS |
►CClMessage | |
CClMsgChannelEstimation | Class for channel estimation synchronous cross-layer messaging |
►Cwoss::Coord | Coordinates (lat, long) class definitions and functions library |
Cwoss::CoordZ | 3D-Coordinates (lat, long, depth) class definitions and functions library |
Cwoss::CoordComparator< CompUser, T > | Function object for partial ordering of coordinates |
Cwoss::CoordComparator< CompUser, CoordZ > | Partial specialization for partial ordering of CoordZ coordinates |
Cwoss::CustomAngles | Bellhop min max angles |
Cwoss::CustomDataContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data, OutComp, MidComp, InComp > | Class for managing custom db data |
Cwoss::CustomDataContainer< Coord, BearingOperator, RangeOperator, Altimetry * > | |
Cwoss::CustomDataContainer< Coord, BearingOperator, RangeOperator, Bathymetry > | |
Cwoss::CustomDataContainer< Coord, BearingOperator, RangeOperator, Sediment * > | |
Cwoss::CustomDataContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data *, OutComp, MidComp, InComp > | CustomDataContainer template partial specialization for pointers |
Cwoss::CustomDataTimeContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data, OutComp, MidComp, InComp > | Class for managing custom db data |
Cwoss::CustomDataTimeContainer< Coord, BearingOperator, RangeOperator, SSP * > | |
Cwoss::CustomDataTimeContainer< T, MidFunctor, InFunctor, Data *, OutComp, MidComp, InComp > | Class for managing custom db data |
Cwoss::CustomTransducer | Initial set up of a transducer |
Cwoss::Deck41TypeTests | Abstraction layer for database and data manipulation |
Cwoss::DefHandler | Class for managing dynamic instantiation of foundation classes |
Chdr_woss | WOSS packet header |
►Cwoss::Location | Class that stores the coordinates of moving entity |
►CWossPosition | |
CWossWpPosition | |
Cwoss::PDouble | Custom precision long double class |
►CPlugIn | |
CChEstimatorPlugIn | Service class for attaching a ChannelEstimator to the node bus |
►CPosition | |
CWossPosition | |
Cwoss::Pressure | Complex attenuated pressure class |
►Cwoss::RandomGenerator | Woss::RandomGenerator class |
►CWossRandomGenerator | |
CWossRandomGeneratorTcl | |
Cwoss::WossDbManager::RangeOperator | Range operator function object |
►Cwoss::ResReader | Abstract class for channel simulator result files processing |
Cwoss::ArrAscResReader | Class for reading and manipulating results provided by any acoustic toolbox textual ARR file |
Cwoss::ArrBinResReader | Class for reading and manipulating results provided by any acoustic toolbox binary ARR file |
Cwoss::ShdResReader | Class for reading and manipulating results provided by any acoustic toolbox SHD file |
►Cwoss::Sediment | Surficial sediment geoacoustic parameters definitions |
Cwoss::SedimentClay | Clay type implementation |
Cwoss::SedimentGravel | Gravel type implementation |
Cwoss::SedimentHardBottom | Hard bottom type implementation |
Cwoss::SedimentMud | Mud type implementation |
Cwoss::SedimentNodules | Deck41 nodules type implementation |
Cwoss::SedimentOoze | Ooze type implementation |
Cwoss::SedimentOrganic | Organic type implementation |
Cwoss::SedimentRocks | Rocks type implementation |
Cwoss::SedimentSand | Sand type implementation |
Cwoss::SedimentSilt | Silt type implementation |
Cwoss::ShdData | Class for storing data of any acoustic toolbox SHD file |
Cwoss::ShdData_v1 | Class for storing data of any acoustic toolbox SHD file |
Cwoss::SimTime | Struct that stores start and end Time |
Cwoss::Singleton< T > | Singleton design pattern template |
Cwoss::SSP | SSP class offers multiple creation and manipulation capabilities for sound speed profile |
►CTclObject | |
CChannelEstimator | Class for channel estimation and averaging |
CWossRandomGeneratorTcl | |
CWossTimeReferenceTcl | |
Cwoss::WossManagerResDbMT::ThreadCondSignal | |
Cwoss::WossManagerResDbMT::ThreadParam | |
Cwoss::WossManagerResDbMT::ThreadQuery | |
Cwoss::Time | Class for time date manipulation |
Cwoss::TimeArr | Channel power delay profile class |
►Cwoss::TimeReference | Class for simulation time reference purposes |
►CWossTimeReference | |
CWossTimeReferenceTcl | |
Cwoss::Transducer | Transducer class |
Cwoss::TransducerHandler | Transducer creator and handler class |
►CUnderwaterMPhyBpsk | |
►CUwMPhyBpskTransducer | BPSK modulation class with woss::Transducer tx power control |
CWossMPhyBpsk | BPSK modulation class with woss::Transducer power control |
►CUnderwaterMPropagation | |
CWossMPropagation | UnderwaterMPropagation class for channel calculations with WOSS |
Cwoss::UtmWgs84 | |
CWossWpPosition::WayPoint | |
►Cwoss::Woss | Abstract class that provides the interface for initializing and running a channel simulator |
►Cwoss::WossResReader | Woss class with ResReader objects for reading simulated results |
►Cwoss::ACToolboxWoss | Base class for implementing acoustic-toolbox channel simulators (Bellhop, Kraken, etc...) |
Cwoss::BellhopWoss | Implempentation of ACToolboxWoss for Bellhop raytracing program |
►Cwoss::WossBathymetryDb | Data behaviour class for bathymetry database |
Cwoss::BathyGebcoDb | NetCDF specialization of WossNetcdfDb for GEBCO database |
Cwoss::BathyUtmCsvDb | Specialization of WossTextualDb for UTM CSV database |
Cwoss::WossController | Class for managing all WOSS classes involved |
►Cwoss::WossCreator | Abstract class that provides correctly initialized Woss objects |
Cwoss::BellhopCreator | Class that provides correctly initialized BellhopWoss objects |
Cwoss::WossCreatorContainer< Data > | Class that stores WossCreator parameters |
Cwoss::WossCreatorContainer< ::std::string > | |
Cwoss::WossCreatorContainer< CustomAngles > | |
Cwoss::WossCreatorContainer< CustomTransducer > | Full specialization for woss::CustomTransducer |
Cwoss::WossCreatorContainer< Data * > | Partial specialization for pointers |
Cwoss::WossCreatorContainer< double > | |
Cwoss::WossCreatorContainer< int > | |
Cwoss::WossCreatorContainer< SimTime > | |
►Cwoss::WossDb | Abstract class that provides the interface of databases |
Cwoss::SedimDeck41Db | WossDb for NetCDF DECK41 Sediment database |
►Cwoss::WossNetcdfDb | NetCDF implementation of WossDb |
Cwoss::BathyGebcoDb | NetCDF specialization of WossNetcdfDb for GEBCO database |
Cwoss::SedimDeck41CoordDb | WossDb for custom made NetCDF DECK41 Sediment database |
Cwoss::SedimDeck41MarsdenDb | WossDb for custom made NetCDF marsden square DECK41 Sediment database |
Cwoss::SedimDeck41MarsdenOneDb | WossDb for custom made NetCDF marsden coordinates DECK41 Sediment database |
Cwoss::SspWoa2005Db | WossDb for the custom made NetCDF WOA2005 SSP database |
►Cwoss::WossTextualDb | Textual implementation of WossDb |
Cwoss::BathyUtmCsvDb | Specialization of WossTextualDb for UTM CSV database |
►Cwoss::ResPressureTxtDb | Textual WossDb for Pressure |
Cwoss::ResPressureBinDb | Binary WossDb for Pressure |
►Cwoss::ResTimeArrTxtDb | Textual WossDb for TimeArr |
Cwoss::ResTimeArrBinDb | Binary WossDb for TimeArr |
►Cwoss::WossDbCreator | Abstract class that provides the interface of database creator ( Factory object ) |
Cwoss::BathyGebcoDbCreator | WossDbCreator for the GEBCO bathymetry database |
Cwoss::BathyUtmCsvDbCreator | WossDbCreator for the UMT CSV bathymetry database |
Cwoss::ResPressureBinDbCreator | DbCreator for binary Pressure database |
Cwoss::ResPressureTxtDbCreator | DbCreator for textual Pressure database |
Cwoss::ResTimeArrBinDbCreator | DbCreator for textual TimeArr database |
Cwoss::ResTimeArrTxtDbCreator | DbCreator for textual TimeArr database |
Cwoss::SedimDeck41DbCreator | DbCreator for NetCDF Deck41 Sediment database |
Cwoss::SspWoa2005DbCreator | WossDbCreator for the custom made NetCDF WOA2005 SSP database |
Cwoss::WossDbManager | Abstraction layer for database and data manipulation |
►Cwoss::WossManager | Abstract class that interfaces Pressure or TimeArr requests from user layer |
►Cwoss::WossManagerResDb | Abstract class that implements WossManager. It adds computed results dbs control |
Cwoss::WossManagerResDbMT | Multi-threaded extension of WossManagerResDb |
Cwoss::WossManagerSimple< WMResDb > | Simple template extension of WossManagerResDb or WossManagerResDbMT |
►Cwoss::WossResPressDb | Data behaviour class for storing calculated Pressure |
Cwoss::ResPressureTxtDb | Textual WossDb for Pressure |
►Cwoss::WossResTimeArrDb | Data behaviour class for storing calculated TimeArr |
Cwoss::ResTimeArrTxtDb | Textual WossDb for TimeArr |
►Cwoss::WossSedimentDb | Data behaviour class for Sediment database |
Cwoss::SedimDeck41Db | WossDb for NetCDF DECK41 Sediment database |
►Cwoss::WossSSPDb | Data behaviour class for SSP database |
Cwoss::SspWoa2005Db | WossDb for the custom made NetCDF WOA2005 SSP database |